Each month, I’m looking for pictures for a special topic. In April, I had to spot some water. This was actually a quite easy task since I went on a mini cruise with DFDS Seaways and was surrounded by water. But at the end, I had so many pictures showing water that it was quite difficult to find the one perfectly fit for my challenge.
The picture shown above I made at the Baltic Sea. Since my hubby is working in Rostock I’m leading a semi-expat life. At weekends, I’m hitting the road to get from Bremen to Rostock. This gives me the chance to discover this area from a base camp.
And I can tell you: I love the Baltic Sea. The sea silents my wanderlust without having to travel far.
In the future, I will show you some more spots from my second home. But first, I have to name the topic for next month’s photo challenge 🙂
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